Journal Articles
Martin, C.J., Bork, E.W. & Nielsen, S.E. 2022. Mortality of grassland birds increases with transmission lines. Avian Conservation & Ecology 17(1):17.
Echiverri, L.F.I., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2022. Neighboring edges: Interacting edge effects from linear disturbances in treed fens. Applied Vegetation Science 25:e12645.
Hecker, L.J., Edwards, M.A. & Nielsen, S.E. 2021. Assessing the nutritional consequences of switching foraging behavior in wood bison. Ecology & Evolution 11:16165–16176.
Barber, Q.E., Bater, C.W., Dabros, A., Pinzon, J., Nielsen, S.E. & Parisien, M-A. 2021. Persistent impact of conventional seismic lines on boreal vegetation structure following wildfire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51:1–14.
Sheppard, A.H.C., Hecker, L.J., Edwards, M.A. & Nielsen, S.E. 2021. Determining the influence of snow and temperature on the movement rates of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 489–496.
MacDonald, Z.G., Deane, D.C., He, F., Lamb, C.T., Sperling, F.A.H., Acorn, J.H., & Nielsen, S.E. 2021. Distinguishing effects of area per se and isolation from the sample-area effect for true islands and habitat fragments. Ecography 44:1-16.
McClelland, C.J.R., Denny, C.K., Larsen, T.A., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2021. Landscape estimates of carrying capacity for grizzly bears using nutritional energy supply for management and conservation planning. Journal of Nature Conservation 62: 126018.
Hecker, L.J., Coogan, S.C.P., Nielsen, S.E. & Edwards, M.A. 2021. Latitudinal and seasonal plasticity in American bison Bison bison diets. Mammal Review 55: 193-206.
Tracy S. Lee. T.S., Creech, T.G., Martinson, A., Nielsen, S.E., Jakes, A.F., Jones, P.F., Sanderson, K. & Ford, A.T. 2021. Prioritizing human safety and multispecies connectivity across a regional road network. Conservation Science & Practice 3(2): e327.
Knaggs, M., Haché, S., Nielsen, S.E., Pankratz, R.F. & Bayne, E. 2020. Avian response to wildfire severity in a northern boreal region. Forests 11(12): 1330.
François-Nicolas Robinne, F.N., Stadt, J., Bater, C.W., Nock, C.A., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Application of the conservation planning tool Zonation to inform retention planning in the boreal forest of western Canada. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. 8:584291
Davidson, S.J., Goud, E.M., Franklin, C., Nielsen, S.E. & Strack, M. 2020. Seismic line disturbance alters soil physical and chemical properties across boreal forest and peatland soils. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 8: Article 281.
Silva, J.A., Nielsen, S.E., McLoughlin, P.D., Rodgers, A.R., Hague, C. & Boutin, S. 2020. Comparison of pre-fire and post-fire space use reveals varied responses by woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in the Boreal Shield. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98:751–760.
MacDonald, Z.G., Dupuis, J.R., Davis, C.S., Acorn, J.H., Nielsen, S.E. & Sperling, F.A.H. 2020. Gene flow and climate‐associated genetic variation in a vagile habitat specialist. Molecular Ecology 29(20): 3889-3906.
Lamb, C.L., Ford, A.T., McLellan, B.N., Proctor, M.F., Mowat, G., Ciarniello, L., Nielsen, S.E. & Boutin, S. 2020. The ecology of human–carnivore coexistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(30): 17876-17883.
Echiverri, L.F.I., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Disturbing to restore? Effects of mounding on understory communities on seismic lines in treed peatlands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50(12): 1340-1351.
McClelland, C.J.R., Coops, N.C., Kearney, S.P., Burton, A.C., Nielsen, S.E. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2020. Variations in grizzly bear habitat selection in relation to the daily and seasonal availability of annual plant-food resources. Ecological Informatics 58: 101116.
Stralberg, D., Arseneault, D., Baltzer, J.L., Barber, Q.E., Bayne, E.M., Boulanger, Y., Brown, C.D., Cooke, H.A., Devito, K., Edwards, J., Estevo, C.A., Flynn, N., Frelich, L.E., Hogg, E.H., Johnston, M., Logan, T., Matsuoka, S.M., Moore, P. Morelli, T.L., Morissette, J.L., Nelson, E.A., Nenzén, H. Nielsen, S.E., Parisien, M., Pedlar, J.H., Price, D.T., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Slattery, S.M., Sonnentag, O., Thompson, D.K. & Whitman, E. 2020. Climate‐change refugia in boreal North America: what, where, and for how long? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18(5): 261-270.
Riva, F., Gentile, G., Bonelli, S., Acorn, J.H., Denes, F.V., Crosby, A.D. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Of detectability and camouflage: evaluating Pollard Walk rules using a common, cryptic butterfly. Ecosphere 11(4): e03101.
McClelland, C.J.R.,  Coops, N.C., Berman, E.E., Kearney, S.P., Nielsen, S.E., Burton, A.C. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2020. Detecting changes in understory and canopy vegetation cycles in West Central Alberta using a fusion of Landsat and MODIS. Applied Vegetation Science 23(2), 223-238.
Hughes, C., Yarmey, N., Morehouse, A. & Nielsen, S. 2020. Problem perspectives and grizzly bears: a case study of Alberta's grizzly bear recovery policy. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8(38), 1-10.
Wei, S., Li, L., Lian, J., Nielsen, S.E., Wang, Z., Mao, L., Ouyang, X., Cao, H. & Ye, W. 2020. Role of the dominant species on the distributions of neighbor species in a subtropical forest. Forests 11(352): 1-11.
Souliere, C.M., Coogan, S.C.P., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Harvested forests as a surrogate to wildfires in relation to grizzly bear food-supply in west-central Alberta. Forest Ecology and Management Volume 456 (117685), 1-13.
Crisfield, V.E., Dennett, J.M., Denny, C.K., Mao, L., Nielsen, S.E. 2020. Species richness is a surrogate for rare plant occurrence, but not conservation value, in boreal plant communities. Biodiversity & Conservation 29: 99–114.
Hughes, C., Foote, L., Yarmey, N.T., Hwang, C., Thorlakson, J. & Nielsen, S. 2020. From human invaders to problem bears: A media content analysis of grizzly bear conservation. Conservation Science and Practice e176.
Silva, J.A., Nielsen, S.E., Lamb, C.T., Hague, C. & Boutin, S. 2019. Modelling lichen abundance for woodland caribou in a fire-driven boreal landscape. Forests 10, 962.
Pollock, S.Z., Whittington, J., Nielsen, S.E. & St. Clair, C.C. 2019. Spatiotemporal railway use by grizzly bears in Canada's Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Management 83(8), 1787-1799.
Franklin, C.M.A., Nielsen, S.E. & Macdonald, S.E. 2019. Understory vascular plant responses to retention harvesting with and without prescribed fire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research (in press).
Domahidi, Z., Shonfield, J., Nielsen, S.E., Spence, J.R. & Bayne, E.M. 2019. Spatial distribution of the boreal owl and northern saw-whet owl in the boreal region of Alberta, Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14 (2):14.
Kearney, S.P., Coops, N.C., Stenhouse, G.B., Nielsen, S.E., Hermosillae T., White, J.C. & Wulder, M.A. 2019. Grizzly bear selection of recently harvested forests is dependent on forest recovery rate and landscape composition. Forest Ecology and Management 449(1):117459.
Laskin, D.N., McDermid, G.J., Nielsen, S.E., Marshall, S.J., Roberts, D.R. & Montaghi, A. 2019. Advances in phenology are conserved across scale in present and future climates. Nature Climate Change 9:419–425.
Dupuis, J.R., Cullingham, C.I., Nielsen, S.E. & Sperling F.A.H. 2019. Environmental effects on gene flow in a species complex of vagile, hilltopping butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blz043.
Gilhooly, P.S., Nielsen, S.E., Whittington, J. & Cassady St. Clair, C. 2019. Wildlife mortality on roads and railways following highway mitigation. Ecosphere 10(2): e02597.
Glasier, J.R.N., Nielsen, S.E., Acorn, J. & Pinzon J. 2019. Boreal Sand Hills are Areas of High Diversity for Boreal Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Diversity 2019, 11(2): 22.
Hart, S.J., Henkelman, J., McLoughlin, P.D., Nielsen, S.E., Truchon-Savard, A. & Johnstone, J.F. 2019. Examining forest resilience to changing fire frequency in a fire‐prone region of boreal forest. Global Change Biology 25:869-884.
Hughes, C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2019. ‘Bear are only the Lightning Rod’: Ongoing Acrimony in Alberta’s Grizzly Bear Recovery. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal  32(1):34-52.
Ladle, A., Avgar T., Wheatley, M., Stenhouse, G.B., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2019. Grizzly bear response to spatio-temporal variability in human recreational activity. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:375–386.
Wang, Y., Pedersen, J.L.M., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E. & Zhang, J. 2019. Experimental test of assisted migration for conservation of locally range-restricted plants in Alberta, Canada. Global Ecology and Conservation 17:e00572.
Larsen, T.A., Nielsen, S.E., Cranston, J. & Stenhouse, G.B. 2019. Do remnant retention patches and forest edges increase grizzly bear food supply? Forest Ecology and Management 433:741-761.
Coogan, S.C.P., Coops, N.C., Janz, D.M., Cattet, M.R.L., Kearney, S.P., Stenhouse, G.B. & Nielsen, S.E. 2019. Towards grizzly bear population recovery in a modern landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology 56(1):93-99.
Zhang, J., Qian, H., Girardello, M., Pellissier, V., Nielsen, S.E. & Svenning, J-C. 2018. Trophic interactions among vertebrate guilds and plants shape global patterns in species diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285:20180949.
Franklin, C.M.A., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Combining aggregated and dispersed tree retention harvesting for conservation of vascular plant communities. Ecological Applications 28(7): 1830–1840.
Stralberg, D., Carroll, C., Pedlar, J.H., Wilsey, C.B., McKenney, D.W. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Macrorefugia for North American trees and songbirds: Climatic limiting factors and multi-scale topographic influences. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2018: 1–14.
Stralberg, D., Wang, X., Parisien, M.A., Robinne, F.N., Solymos, P., Mahon, C.L., Nielsen, S.E. & Bayne, E.M. 2018. Wildfire-mediated vegetation change in boreal forests of Alberta, Canada. Ecosphere 9:3, e02156.
Roberts, D., Ciuti, S., Barber, Q.E., Willier, C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Accelerated seed dispersal along linear disturbances in the Canadian oil sands region. Scientific Reports 8:4828.
Dennett, J.M., Gould, A.J., Macdonald, S.E. & Nielsen S.E. 2018. Investigating detection success: lessons from trials using decoy rare plants. Plant Ecology 219: 577–589.
Coogan, S.C.P., Raubenheimer, D., Stenhouse, G.B., Coops, N.C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Functional macronutrient generalism in a larger omnivore, the brown bear. Ecology and Evolution 2018:1-12.
Xing, D., Nielsen, S.E., Macdonald, S.E., Spence, J.R., He, F. 2018. Survival and growth of residual trees in a variable retention harvest experiment in a boreal mixedwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 411: 187-194.
Mao, L., Dennett, J., Bater, C.W., Tompalski, P., Coops, N.C., Farr, D., Kohler, M., White B., Stadt, J.J. & Nielsen S.E. 2018. Using airborne laser scanning to predict plant species richness and assess conservation threats in the oil sands region of Alberta’s boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management 409: 29-37.
Lamb, C.T., Mowat, G., Reid, A., Smit, L., Proctor, M., McLellan, B.N., Nielsen, S.E., Boutin, S. 2018. Effects of habitat quality and access management on the density of a recoverying grizzly bear population. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1406–1417.
Mao, L., Bater, C.W., Stadt, J.J., White, B., Tompalski, P., Coops, N.C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Environmental landscape determinants of maximum forest canopy height of boreal forests. Journal of Plant Ecology rtx071: 1-7.
Guo, X., Coops, N.C., Gergel, S.E., Bater, C.W., Nielsen, S.E., Stadt, J.J., Drever, M. 2018. Integrating airborne lidar and satellite imagery to model habitat connectivity dynamics for spatial conservation prioritization. Landscape Ecology 33:491-511.
Zhang, J., Nielsen, S.E., Chen, Y., Georges, D., Qin, Y., Wang, S., Svenning, J.C. & Thuiller, W. 2017. Extinction risk of North American seed plants elevated by climate and land-use change. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 303-312.
Lamb, C.T., Mowat, G., McLellan, B.N., Nielsen, S.E. & Boutin, S. 2017. Forbidden fruit: human settlement and abundant fruit create an ecological trap for an apex omnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 86(1): 55–65.
Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Jiang, J. Nielsen, S.E., & He, F. 2017. Assessing the effectiveness of China’s protected areas to conserve current and future amphibian diversity. Diversity and Distributions 23: 146–157.
Guo, X., Coops, N.C., Tompalski, P., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W. & Stadt, J.J. 2017. Regional mapping of vegetation structure for biodiversity monitoring using airborne lidar data Ecological Informatics 38: 50–61.
Carroll, C., Roberts, D.R., Michalak, J.L., Lawler, J.L., Nielsen, S.E. Stralberg, D., Hamann, A., Mcrae, B.H. & Wang, T. 2017. Scale-dependent complementarity of climatic velocity and environmental diversity for identifying priority areas for conservation under climate change Global Change Biology 23:4508–4520.
Hird, J.N., Montaghi, A., McDermid, G.J., Kariyeva, J., Moorman, B.J., Nielsen, S.E., McIntosh, A. 2017. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery of Forest Vegetation on Petroleum Well Sites. Remote Sensing 9(5): 413.
Glasier, J.R.N., Nielsen, S.E., Acorn, J.H., Borysenko, L.H. & Radtke, T. 2016. A Checklist of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Saskatchewan. The Canadian Field Naturalist 130: 40-48.
Laskin, D.N., Montaghi A, Nielsen, S.E. & McDermid, G.J. 2016. Estimating understory temperatures using MODIS LST in mixed cordilleran forests. Remote Sensing 8: 658.
Coops, N.C., Tompaski, P., Nijland, W., Rickbeil, G.J.M., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W. & Stadt, J.J. 2016. A forest structure habitat index based on airborne laser scanning data. Ecological Indicators 67: 346-357
Cristescu, B., Stenhouse, G.B., Symbaluk, M., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2016. Wildlife habitat selection on landscapes with industrial disturbance. Environmental Conservation 1-10.
Barber, Q.E., Bater, C.W., Braid, A.C.R., Coops, N.C., Tompalski, P. & Nielsen, S.E. 2016. Airborne laser scanning for modelling understory shrub abundance and productivity. Forest Ecology and Management 377: 46-54.
Boyce, M.S., Johnson, C.J., Merrill, E.H., Nielsen, S.E., Solberg, E.J. & van Moorter, B. 2016. Can habitat selection predict abundance? Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 11–20.
Zhang, J., Nielsen, S.E., Mao, L., Chen, S. & Jens-Christian S.  2016. Regional and historical factors supplement current climate in shaping global forest canopy height. Journal of Ecology 104: 469–478.
Carlson, R.I., Cattet, M.R.L., Sarauer, B.L., Nielsen, S.E., Boulanger, J., Stenhouse, G.B. & Janz, D.M. 2016. Development and application of an antibody-based protein microarray to assess physiological stress in grizzly bears (Ursus arctos). Conservation Physiology 4: 1-17.
Cristescu, B., Stenhouse, G.B., Symbaluk, M., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2016. Wildlife habitat selection on landscapes with industrial disturbance. Environmental Conservation [in press]
Nielsen, S.E., DeLancey, E.R., Reinhardt, K. & Parisien, M.A. 2016. Effects of lakes on wildfire activity in the boreal forests of Saskatchewan, Canada Forests 7: 265.
Zhang, J., Nielsen, S.E., Stolar, J., Chen, Y. & Thullier, W. 2015. Gains and losses of plant species and phylogenetic diversity for a northern high-latitude region. Diversity and Distributions 21(12): 1441–1454.
Cuti, S., Jensen, W.F., Nielsen, S.E. & Boyce, M.S. 2015. Predicting mule deer recruitment from climate oscillations for harvest management on the northern Great Plains. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(8): 1226–1238.
Schoenecker, K.A., Nielsen, S.E., Zeigenfuss, L.C. & Pague, C.A. 2015. Selection of vegetation types and density of bison in an arid ecosystem. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(7): 1117-1128.
Nijland, W., Coops, N.C., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C.W., White, B., Ogilvie, J. & Stadt, J. 2015. Remote sensing proxies of productivity and moisture predict forest stand type and recovery rate following experimental harvest. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 239-247.
Nijland W., Coops, N.C., Macdonald, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Bater, C. & Stadt, J.J. 2015. Comparing patterns in forest stand structure following variable harvests using airborne laser scanning data. Forest Ecology and Management 354: 272-280.
López-Alfaroa, C., Coogan, S.C.P., Robbins, C.T., Fortin, J.K. & Nielsen, S.E. 2015. Assessing nutritional parameters of brown bear diets among ecosystems gives insight into differences among populations. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0128088.
Proctor, M., Nielsen, S.E., Kasworm, W., Servheen, C., Radandt, T., MacHutchon, G. & Boyce, M.S. 2015. Grizzly bear connectivity mapping in the Canada-United States trans-border region. Journal of Wildlife Management 79: 544-558.
van Rensen, C.K., Nielsen, S.E., White, B., Vinge, T. & Lieffers, V.J. 2015. Natural regeneration of forest vegetation on legacy seismic lines in boreal habitats in Alberta’s oil sands region. Biological Conservation 184: 127–135.
Hamann A., Roberts D.R., Barber Q.E., Carroll C. & Nielsen S.E. 2015. Velocity of climate change algorithms for guiding conservation and management. Global Change Biology 21(2): 997-1004.
Nijland, W., Coops, N.C., Nielsen, S.E. & Stenhouse, G. 2015. Integrating optical satellite data and airborne laser scanning in habitat classification for wildlife management. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38: 242–250.
White C.F.H., Coops N.C., Nijland W., Hilker T., Nelson T.A., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E. & Stenhouse G.B. 2014. Characterizing a decade of disturbance events using Landsat and MODIS satellite imagery in Western Alberta, Canada for grizzly bear management. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 40(5): 336-347.
Nijland W., Nielsen S.E., Coops N.C., Wulder M.A. & Stenhouse G.B. 2014. Fine-spatial scale predictions of understory species using climate-and LiDAR-derived terrain and canopy metrics. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8(1): 083572-083572.
Morrison, C.D., Boyce, M.S., Nielsen, S.E. & Bacon M.M. 2014. Habitat selection of a re-colonized cougar population in response to seasonal fluctuations of human activity. Journal of Wildlife Management 78(8): 1394–1403.
Pigeon K.E., Nielsen S.E., Stenhouse G.B. & Côté S.D. 2014. Den selection by grizzly bears on a managed landscape. Journal of Mammalogy 95(3): 559-571.
Shafer A.B.A., Nielsen S.E., Northrup J.M. & Stenhouse G.B. 2014. Linking genotype, ecotype, and phenotype in an intensively managed large carnivore. Evolutionary Applications 7(2): 301-312.
Teichman K.J., Nielsen S.E. & Roland J. 2013. Trophic cascades: linking ungulates to shrub-dependent birds and butterflies. Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 1288-1299.
Nielsen S.E., Cattet M.R.L., Boulanger J., Cranston J., McDermid G.J., Shafer A.B.A., Stenhouse G.B. 2013. Environmental, biological and anthropogenic effects on grizzly bear body size: temporal and spatial considerations. BMC Ecology 13: 31.
López-Alfaroa C., Robbins C.T., Zedrosser A. & Nielsen S.E. 2013. Energetics of hibernation and reproductive trade-offs in brown bears. Ecological Modeling 270: 1-10.
Stewart B.P., Nelson T.A., Laberee K., Nielsen S.E., Wulder M.A. & Stenhouse G. 2013. Quantifying grizzly bear selection of natural and anthropogenic edges. Journal of Wildlife Management 77(5): 957-964.
Glasier J.R.N., Acorn J.H., Nielsen S.E. & Proctor H. 2013. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Alberta: A key to species based primarily on the worker caste. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 22: 1-104.
Nijland W., Coops N.C., Coogan S.C.P., Bater C.W., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G.B. 2013. Vegetation phenology can be captured with digital repeat photography and linked to variability of root nutrition in Hedysarum alpinum. Applied Vegetation Science 16(2): 317–324.
Girard T.L., Bork E.W., Nielsen S.E. & Alexander M.J. 2013. Seasonal variation in habitat selection by free-ranging feral horses within Alberta's Forest Reserve. Rangeland Ecology & Management 66(4): 428-437.
Nielsen S.E., Shafer A.B.A., Boyce M.S. & Stenhouse G.B. 2013. Does learning or instinct shape habitat selection? PLoS ONE 8(2) e53721.
Smulders M., Nelson T.A., Jelinski D.E., Nielsen S.E., Stenhouse G.B. & Laberee K. 2012. Quantifying spatial–temporal patterns in wildlife ranges using STAMP: A grizzly bear example.   Applied Geography 35(1–2): 124–131.
Coogan S.C.P., Nielsen S.E. & Stenhouse G.B. 2012. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity creates a "brown tide" in root phenology and nutrition. ISRN Ecology, Article ID 618257: 1-10.
Stewart B.P., Nelson T.A., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E. & Stenhouse G. 2012. Impact of disturbance characteristics and age on grizzly bear habitat selection. Applied Geography 34: 614-625.
Coops N.C., Hilker T., Bater C.W., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G. 2012. Linking ground-based to satellite derived phenological metrics in support of habitat assessment. Remote Sensing Letters 3(3): 191-200.
Bater C.W., Coops N.C., Wulder M.A., Hilker T., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G.B. 2011. Using digital time-lapse cameras to monitor species-specific understorey and overstorey phenology in support of wildlife habitat assessment. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 180: 1-13.
Serrouya R., McLellan B.N., Boutin S., Seip D.R. & Nielsen S.E. 2011. Developing a population target for an overabundant ungulate for ecosystem restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.01998.x.
Bater C.W., Coops N.C., Wulder M.A., Nielsen S.E., McDermid G. & Stenhouse G.B. 2011. Design and installation of a camera network across an elevation gradient for habitat assessment. Instrumentation Science & Technology 39: 231-247.
Smulders M., Nelson T.A., Jelinski D.E., Nielsen S.E. & Stenhouse G.B. 2010. A spatially explicit method for evaluating accuracy of species distribution models. Diversity and Distributions 16: 996-1008.
Nielsen S.E., Cranston J. & Stenhouse G.B. 2009. Identification of priority areas for grizzly bear conservation and recovery in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Conservation Planning 5: 38-60.
Nielsen S.E., Haughland D., Bayne E. & Schieck J. 2009. Detecting trends in species occurrence for a large-scale, long-term biodiversity monitoring programme. Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 2961-2978.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S., Beyer H., Huettmann F. & Stenhouse G.S. 2008. Can natural disturbance-based forestry rescue a declining population of grizzly bears? Biological Conservation 141: 2193-2207.
Aldridge C.L., Nielsen S.E., Beyer H.L., Boyce M.S., Connelly J.W., Knick S.T. & Schroeder M.A. 2008. Range-wide patterns of greater sage-grouse persistence. Diversity and Distributions 14: 983-994.
Nielsen S.E., Bayne E., Scheick J., Herbers J. & Boutin S.A. 2007. A new method to estimate species and biodiversity intactness using empirically derived reference conditions. Biological Conservation 137: 403-414.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S. & Stenhouse G.B. 2006. A habitat-based framework for grizzly bear conservation in Alberta. Biological Conservation 130: 217-229.
Munro R.H.M., Nielsen S.E., Price M.H., Stenhouse G.B. & Boyce M.S. 2006. Seasonal and diel patterns of grizzly bear diet and activity in west-central Alberta. Journal of Mammalogy 87: 1112-1121.
Gillies C.S., Hebblewhite M., Nielsen S.E., Krawchuk M.A., Aldridge C.L., Frair J.L., Saher D.J., Stevens C.E. & Jerde C.L. 2006. Application of random effects to the study of resource selection by animals. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 887-898.
Johnson C.J., Nielsen S.E., McDonald T.L., Merrill E. & Boyce M.S. 2006. Resource selection functions based on use-availability data: theoretical motivation and evaluation methods. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 347-357.
Nielsen S.E., Munro R.H.M., Bainbridge E., Boyce M.S. & Stenhouse G.B. 2004. Grizzly bears and forestry II: distribution of grizzly bear foods in clearcuts of west-central Alberta, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 199: 67-82.
Nielsen S.E., Herrero S., Boyce M.S., Benn B., Mace R.D., Gibeau M.L. & Jevons S. 2004. Modelling the spatial distribution of human-caused grizzly bear mortalities in the Central Rockies Ecosystem of Canada. Biological Conservation 120: 101-113.
Frair J.L., Nielsen S.E., Merrill E.H., Lele S., Boyce M.S., Munro R.H.M., Stenhouse G.B. & Beyer H.L. 2004. Removing GPS-collar bias in habitat-selection studies. Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 201-212.
Nielsen S.E., Kirschbaum C.D. & Haney A. 2003. Restoration of Midwest oak barrens: Structural manipulation or process-only? Conservation Ecology 7(2): 10.
Nielsen S.E., Boyce M.S., Stenhouse G.B. & Munro R.H.M. 2003. Development and testing of phenologically driven grizzly bear habitat models. Ecoscience 10: 1-10.
Boyce M.S., Vernier P.R., Nielsen S.E. & Schmiegelow F.K.A. 2002. Evaluating resource selection functions. Ecological Modelling 157: 281-300.
Nielsen S.E. & Haney A. 1998. Gradient responses for understory species in a bracken-grassland and northern-dry forest ecosystem of Northeast Wisconsin. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 86: 149-166.
Book Chapters
Knick, S.T., Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Rowland, M.M,, Finn, S.P. & Wisdom, M.J. 2011. Management considerations. Pp. 387–394 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Nielsen, S.E., Aldridge, C.L., Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. 2011. Occurrence of non-native invasive plants: The role of anthropogenic features. Pp. 357–386 in ​Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E. & Knick, S.T. 2011. Occurrence of small mammals: Deer mice and the challenge of trapping across large spatial extents. Pp. 337–356 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Leu, M., Hanser, S.E., Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Suring, L.H. & Knick, S.T. 2011. Occurrence of large and medium-sized mammal: Occurrence but not count models predict pronghorn distribution. Pp. 315–336 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Rowland, M.M. & Knick, S.T. 2011. Occurrence and abundance of ants, reptiles, and mammals. Pp. 221–314 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Aldridge, C.L., Hanser, S.E., Nielsen, S.E., Leu, M., Cade, B.S., Saher, D.J. & Knick, S.T. 2011. Detectability adjusted count models of songbird abundance. Pp. 141 – 220 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Hanser, S.E., Aldridge, C.L., Leu, M., Rowland, M.M., Nielsen, S.E. & Knick, S.T. 2011. Greater sage-grouse: General use and roost site occurrence with pellet counts as a measure of relative abundance.  Pp. 112–140 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Leu, M., Hanser, S.E., Aldridge, C.L., Nielsen, S.E., Cade, B.S. & Knick, S.T.  2011. A sampling and analytical approach to develop spatial distribution models for sagebrush-associated species. Pp. 88–111 in Hanser, S.E., Leu, M., Knick, S.T. & Aldridge, C.L. (editors), Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
Noss R., Nielsen S.E. & Vance-Borland K. 2009. Prioritizing ecosystems, species, and sites for restoration. Pages 158-171 in Spatial Conservation Prioritization: Quantitative Methods and Computational Tools, Moilanen, A., K. A. Wilson, & H. Possingham editors. Oxford University Press, London.
Research Reports
Rawleigh, G., Hecker, L.J., Dewart, L.T., Epperson, D.M, Edwards, M.A. & Nielsen, S.E. 2021. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Semi-Annual Progress Report 2021. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, May 1, 2021. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 22 pp.
Dewart, L.T., Hecker, L.J., Epperson, D., Rawleigh, G., Sheppard, A.H.C., Nielsen, S.E. & Edwards, M.A. 2020. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: 2020 Annual Report. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, December 1, 2020. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1, 44 pp.
Hecker, L.J., Dewart, L.T., Epperson, D.M., Rawleigh, G., Sheppard, A.C., Nielsen, S.E, & Edwards, M.A. 2020. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Semi-Annual Progress Report 2020. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, May 20, 2020. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 37 pp.
Hecker, L.J., Dewart, L.T., Epperson, D., Edwards, M.A. & Nielsen, S.E. 2019. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: 2019 Annual Report. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, January 22, 2020. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1, 46 pp.
Hecker, L.J., Dewart, L.T., Belanger, R.J., Nielsen, S.E, & Edwards, M.A. 2019. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Semi-Annual Progress Report 2019. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, April 30, 2019. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 19 pp.
Belanger, R.J., Hecker, L.J., Dewart, L.T., Nielsen, S.E. & Edwards, M.A. 2018. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program:Annual Report: 21 December 2018. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, December 21, 2018. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 29 pp.
Boutin, S., Nielsen, S.E., Bayne, E. 2018. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs Final Report. University of Alberta. 65 pp.
Belanger, R.J., Hecker, L.J., Edwards, M.A., Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Semi-Annual Progress Report 2018. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, April 30, 2018. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 16 pp.
Nielsen, S.E., Dennett, J., Denny, C., Kohler, M. & Farr, D. 2017. Terrestrial vascular plant monitoring project for the Lower Athabasca (2012-2016). 166 pages.
Belanger, R.J., DeMars, C.A., Hecker, L.J., Edwards, M.A., Nielsen, S.E. 2017. Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Annual Report 2017. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, November 30, 2017. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 77 pp.
DeMars, C.A., Nielsen, S.E., Edwards, M.A. 2017. Range use, habitat selection, and the influence of natural and human disturbance on wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in the Ronald Lake Area of northeastern Alberta: March 2017 Update. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, March 31, 2017. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 42 pp.
Nielsen, S.E. 2016. Fruiting shrubs of the Lower Athabasca: Distribution, ecology and a digital atlas. A report to the Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA). 29 February 2016. Edmonton, Alberta. 81 pgs.
DeMars, C.A., Nielsen, S.E., Edwards, M.A. 2016. Range use, habitat selection, and the influence of natural and human disturbance on wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in the Ronald Lake Area of northeastern Alberta. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, May 1, 2016. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 72 pp.
DeMars, C.A., Nielsen, S.E., Edwards, M.A. 2015. Ronald Lake Bison (Bison bison) project update. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, December 1, 2015. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 26 pp.
Chai, S-L., Nixon, A., Zhang, J. & Nielsen, S.E. 2014. Predicting invasive species response to climate change: Prioritization and mapping of new potential threats to Alberta’s Biodiversity. Prepared for the Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project/Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. Edmonton, AB. 60 pages.
Tan, T., Edwards, M.A., Nielsen, S.E. 2014. Ronald Lake Bison (Bison bison) March-December 2013 telemetry study preliminary technical report. Report to the Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, March 31, 2014. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 18 pp.
Kuntzemann, C.E. 2021. Peatlands reduce fire severity and promote fire refugia in boreal forests. MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
MacDonald, Z.G. 2021. From species to genes: ecological and evolutionary mechanisms structuring diversity in space and time. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Filicetti, A.T. 2021. Fire and tree recovery on seismic lines. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Silva, J.A. 2020. Fire, lichens, and woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Canada’s Boreal Shield. MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Lamb, C.T. 2019. Grizzly bear population dynamics across productivity and human influence gradients. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Riva, F. 2019. Responses in butterflies to loss and fragmentation of boreal forests from in situ oil sands. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Cicon, E. 2019. Surrogacy and umbrella relationships of grizzly bears and songbirds is scale dependent. MSc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Hughes, C. 2018. The importance and influence of the human dimensions in grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) conservation. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Dennett, J.M. 2018. Search and rescue: detection and mitigation of rare vascular plant species. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Knaggs, M.D. 2018. Effects of burn severity and time since fire on songbird communities in the northern boreal forest. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Martin, C. 2018. Displacement and mortality of birds by high voltage transmission lines in the Canadian dry mixed prairie. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Franklin, C.M.A. 2018. Effectiveness of retention harvesting for biodiversity conservation: evidence for understory vegetation and wildlife. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Robinson, M.P. 2017. Reproduction and abundance of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) in post-harvest variable retention forests. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Willier, C.N. 2017. Changes in peatland plant community composition and stand structure due to road induced flooding and desiccation. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Castillo Ayala, C.I. 2016. Conservation planning for non-human primates in Colombia (South America). M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Braid, A.C.R. 2015. Mitigating the effects of human activity on grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in southwestern Alberta. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Pedersen, J.L.M. 2015. Mitigating the impacts of climate change on rare plants through assisted migration. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Van Rensen, C.K. 2014. Predicting patterns of regeneration on seismic lines to inform restoration planning in boreal forest habitats. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Fink, K.A. 2014. Landscape- and micro-scale habitat selection by greater short-horned lizards. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Lopez Alfaro, C.V. 2014. Linking energetics of individuals to bear populations. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Rovang, S.B. 2013. Factors affecting the detectability and eastern distribution of grizzly bears in Alberta, Canada. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Teichman, K.J. 2013. Trophic cascades: Linking ungulates to shrub-dependent birds and butterflies. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Coogan, S.C.P. 2012. Getting to the root of the matter: Grizzly bears and alpine sweetevtch in west-central Alberta, Canada. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Roberts, D. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Seismic lines may spread seeds. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #8.
Willier, C. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Why did the water cross under the road? Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #7.
Dennett, J. & Nielsen, S.E. 2018. Testing rare plant translocations. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #6.
Nielsen, S.E. 2017. A place-based understanding of fruiting shrubs. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #5.
Nielsen, S.E. & Dennett, J. 2017. Interpreting the rankings of rare plants. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #4.
Nielsen, S.E. & Dennett, J. 2017. Putting rare plants on the map. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #3.
Filicetti, A. & Nielsen, S.E. 2017. Fire: a seismic restoration tool? Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #2.
Riva, F., Acorn, J. & Nielsen, S.E. 2017. Low-impact holds true for butterflies. Alberta Biodiversity Conservation Chairs outreach note #1.